Join - определение. Что такое Join
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Что (кто) такое Join - определение

JOIN; Joining; Joins; Join (disambiguation); Joined; Join (command); Joining (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 150
1. <database> inner join (common) or outer join (less common). 2. <theory> least upper bound. (1998-11-23)
¦ verb
1. link or become linked or connected to.
form a group; unite.
2. become a member or employee of (an organization).
(join up) become a member of the armed forces.
come into the company of.
3. take part in.
support (someone) in an activity.
¦ noun a place where things are joined.
join battle formal begin fighting.
join forces combine efforts.
joinable adjective
ME: from OFr. joindre, from L. jungere 'to join'.
1) (D; tr.) to join for (would you join us for a drink?)
2) (d; intr.) to join in (they all joined in singing the national anthem)
3) (D; tr.) to join in (to join smb. in a drink)
4) (D; tr.) to join to, with (to join one wire to another; they all joined hands with each other; to join forces with one's allies)
5) (D; intr.) to join with (we must join with them in fighting tyranny)
·vt To unite in marriage.
II. Join ·vt To enjoin upon; to Command.
III. Join ·noun The line joining two points; the point common to two intersecting lines.
IV. Join ·vt To accept, or engage in, as a contest; as, to join encounter, battle, issue.
V. Join ·vt To associate one's self to; to be or become connected with; to league one's self with; to unite with; as, to join a party; to join the church.
VI. Join ·vi To be contiguous, close, or in contact; to come together; to Unite; to Mingle; to form a union; as, the hones of the skull join; two rivers join.
VII. Join ·vt To bring together, literally or figuratively; to place in contact; to Connect; to Couple; to Unite; to Combine; to Associate; to Add; to Append.
(joins, joining, joined)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
If one person or vehicle joins another, they move or go to the same place, for example so that both of them can do something together.
His wife and children moved to join him in their new home...
If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it.
He joined the Army five years ago...
If you join an activity that other people are doing, you take part in it or become involved with it.
Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action...
The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer...
Private contractors joined in condemning the Government's stance.
VERB: V n, V n in n/-ing, V in -ing
If you join a queue, you stand at the end of it so that you are part of it.
Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.
To join two things means to fix or fasten them together.
The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.
...the conjunctiva, the skin which joins the eye to the lid.
VERB: V pl-n, V n prep/adv
If something such as a line or path joins two things, it connects them.
It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends...
...a global highway of cables joining all the continents together.
VERB: V pl-n, V-ing
If two roads or rivers join, they meet or come together at a particular point.
Do you know the highway to Tulsa. The airport road joins it.
...Allahabad, where the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers join.
V-RECIP: V n, pl-n V
A join is a place where two things are fastened or fixed together.
join forces: see force
to join the ranks: see rank
I. v. a.
Add, annex, attach, append.
Connect, couple, combine, conjoin, link, cement, unite, unite together, join together.
Adjoin, be adjacent to, connect with, open into, be connected with.
Unite with, associate one's self with, go into, take part in or with, take one's place in, meet, come to meet.
II. v. n.
Associate, confederate, unite, be united, league.
·Impf & ·p.p. of Join.
· & ·vb.n. of Join.
left outer join         
  • A Venn Diagram representing the Left Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
A Venn Diagram representing the Right Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
  • A Venn Diagram representing the Full Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
Outer join; Inner join; Join algorithm; Cross join; Equivalence join; Full outer join; Left outer join; Right outer join; Semi join; SQL join; Sql join; Database join; Join (sql); Join (database); Equijoin; Group join; Left join; Right join; Cartesian join; Table join; Query (database); Natural join (SQL); JOIN (SQL); Self-join; Join sql; Join statement; Inner join sql; Sql inner join; Equi-join; Straight join
outer join         
  • A Venn Diagram representing the Left Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
A Venn Diagram representing the Right Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
  • A Venn Diagram representing the Full Join SQL statement between tables A and B.
Outer join; Inner join; Join algorithm; Cross join; Equivalence join; Full outer join; Left outer join; Right outer join; Semi join; SQL join; Sql join; Database join; Join (sql); Join (database); Equijoin; Group join; Left join; Right join; Cartesian join; Table join; Query (database); Natural join (SQL); JOIN (SQL); Self-join; Join sql; Join statement; Inner join sql; Sql inner join; Equi-join; Straight join
<database> A less commonly used variant of the inner join relational database operation. An inner join selects rows from two tables such that the value in one column of the first table also appears in a certain column of the second table. For an outer join, the result also includes all rows from the first operand ("left outer join"), or the second operand ("right outer join"), or both ("full outer join"). A field in a result row will be null if the corresponding input table did not contain a matching row. For example, if we want to list all employees and their employee number, but not all employees have a number, then we could say (in SQL-92 syntax, as used by {Microsoft SQL Server}): SELECT, empnum.number FROM employee LEFT JOIN empnum ON = or, in Sybase syntax: SELECT, empnum.number FROM employee, empnum WHERE *= The "*" on the left means "left outer join". "*=*" would be a full outer join. In Oracle syntax: SELECT, empnum.number FROM employee, empnum WHERE = (+) Note that the "(+)" on the right means "left outer join". These all mean that all rows from the left-hand "employee" table will appear in the result, even if there is no match for their ID in the empnum table. Where there is no equal to a given, a result row is output anyway but with all result columns from the empnum table null (empnum.number in this case). (2004-11-12)



Join may refer to:

  • Join (law), to include additional counts or additional defendants on an indictment
  • In mathematics:
    • Join (mathematics), a least upper bound of sets orders in lattice theory
    • Join (topology), an operation combining two topological spaces
    • Join (sigma algebra), a refinement of sigma algebras
    • Join (algebraic geometry), a union of lines between two varieties
  • In computing:
    • Join (relational algebra), a binary operation on tuples corresponding to the relation join of SQL
      • Join (SQL), relational join, a binary operation on SQL and relational database tables
      • join (Unix), a Unix command similar to relational join
    • Join-calculus, a process calculus developed at INRIA for the design of distributed programming languages
      • Join-pattern, generalization of Join-calculus
      • Joins (concurrency library), a concurrent computing API from Microsoft Research
  • Join Network Studio of NENU, a non-profit organization of Northeast Normal University
  •, the website for South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo
  • Joining (woodworking), woodworking processes of combining two or more pieces of wood together, generally through the use of nails or screws
  • Joining (metalworking), metalworking processes which combine two or more pieces of metal together, typically by the use of screws or welding